The world's leading recycled plastics solution provider International Leading Solution Provider of Recycling Solutions for Recycled Plastics-Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
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Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. in the field of recycled plastic utilization Contribution of ESG

更新时间:2023.05.23     作者:管理员      浏览次数:4
Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a recycled plastic utilization enterprise with a collection of research and development, recycling, production and sales of recycled plastic. The company is the world's leading recycled plastic recycling solution provider, with sales centers and warehouse bases in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province and Dongguan City, Guangdong Province respectively. We provide recycled plastic recycling solutions for global customers, currently serving 15 countries and regions, more than 50 foreign trade enterprises and more than 800 factory enterprises, and the company has disposed of and utilized more than 100,000 tons of various types of recycled plastics.
The increasingly serious global climate problem is a common challenge for all mankind, and sustainable development is the common welfare of mankind.
In September 2020, President Xi Jinping solemnly announced China's ambitious strategic goal of achieving carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 at the general debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has long been committed to solving the increasingly serious environmental problems of human beings, deeply exploiting the potential value of recycled plastics and promoting the continuous improvement of human living environment! In recent years, the company has taken the lead in carrying out ESG practices in the field of recycled plastics, actively promoting a green and low-carbon production and life style and continuously creating greater value.
In recent years, the contributions of Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) can include the following:
I. Environmental Contribution:
Reduction of plastic waste: Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has disposed of and utilized more than 100,000 tons of various types of recycled plastics by recycling, treating and reprocessing waste plastics, which has reduced the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment, prevented waste plastics from entering the soil and water bodies, and reduced landfills and incineration.
Save resources and energy: By recycling waste plastics, Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. can save the resources and energy required for the production of virgin plastics and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas.
Reducing carbon emissions: The production process of recycled plastics usually produces less greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, compared to traditional plastic production. By using recycled plastics, the carbon footprint can be reduced and the negative impact on climate change can be minimized. According to relevant scientific research data and carbon footprint measurement, Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 500,000 tons in total.
2. Social contribution:
Job creation: Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. brings consumers a better experience by invoking new technologies and improving the quality of products and services, which requires a large amount of human resources, creates more job opportunities for society, provides stable jobs, helps people realize their employment dreams and self-worth, and promotes economic growth and regional development.
Community involvement and support: Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. actively participates in community affairs, gives back to the local community, provides support and sponsors social and environment-related projects, and promotes the sustainable development of the local community.
3. Corporate governance contributions:
Transparency and ethical operation: Henan Pingyuan New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. provides reliable products and services by establishing a transparent corporate governance structure and complying with laws, regulations and ethical guidelines to maintain ethical and compliant operations.
Innovation and technology development: Henan Pingyuan New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has built the only set of high-standard pilot laboratories in the domestic recycled plastics industry, has a professional R&D team, and has in-depth industry-university-research cooperation with research institutes and universities such as the Institute of Process Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Chemistry and Dalian Institute of Chemistry and Physics, and Dalian University of Technology. Through continuous innovation and technology development, we promote the progress and sustainable development of the industry and provide new solutions to solve environmental problems and plastic waste management challenges.
After more than a decade of forward-looking layout, Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has formed an upgrade of the whole industrial chain from waste plastic recycling to the application of high-value recycled products. The company adheres to the development idea of standardization, grouping and industrialization, focuses on building independent intellectual property rights and recycling brands, and drives the upgrading of the whole industry through technology output and brand output, makes every effort to build a green, low-carbon and technology-empowered recycling economy industrial system for sustainable development, carries out in-depth ESG practices, fulfills social responsibilities with high standards, and becomes a model of green and low-carbon development. The company will become a model of green and low-carbon development.

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